Can I Join a Trade Union?
One of the most common questions we are asked when someone contacts Community is, “ can I join a trade union ? ”. It’s a common misunderstanding or workplace myth that you can’t join a trade union, especially if many of your colleagues aren’t trade union members. The truth, however, is that anyone has a legal right to join a trade union. That’s a fact. It’s actua lly against the law for an employer to put you at a disadvantage if you join a trade union. Your employer is not permitted to: Treat you differently or unfairly because you’re a trade union member Sack you if you’re a union member Pick you for redundancy because you‘re a union member or as a result of your union activities. Offer you incentives to leave your trade union. Refuse to offer you employment because you’re a trade union member Refuse your training or workplace learning because you’re a trade union member It’s also your right to choos...